Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Do I Look Ugly?
Like everyone else, I have my insecure days. Days when I feel abso-effing-lutely fugly. Days when I feel fat. Days when none of my clothes look flattering on me. Days when my hair just doesn't seem to fall right. Days when makeup wouldn't even help. Days when I just wanna stay at home and wear t-shirt and sweats because that's the only look that fits my mood; Fugly!
I know most of you girls and maybe guys too, have one time or another felt the same way. No matter how beautiful you are, there are times that you just feel ugly. And I totally understand. I might not have a psychology degree to tell you how to NOT feel ugly. But what I do have is the internet, and I found this great article on how to deal with feeling ugly and how to come to terms with it.
I suggest everyone to take some time to read the articles. I don't know about you but when I feel ugly, I become terribly feisty! I tend to ask, "Do I look ugly?" but of course no one would ever say "Yes!" and it ticks me off even more! Goshh.. women! LOL! So yeah, these articles do help, so do read 'em k!
And remember, you're NOT ugly!
Posted by Ratu Syura at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
I'm in Love

It's ONLY more or less RM400 each...
Yeah, I figured....
Posted by Ratu Syura at 11:17 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
New Look!
I changed my layout and I'm loving it. Thanks to Emporium Digital for the free blog template. I actually wanted to get a customized one but for the time being, I'm totally feeling this one I found. And the fact that it's free is even better!
I'm happy!
Posted by Ratu Syura at 9:14 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Go Shorty!
Hey insecure shorty!
Let's not let height dictate what is beautiful. So fine, we're not 5'10 and supermodel skinny but hey, we're still gorgeous baby! If you don't feel beautiful being short, well maybe these 10 reasons would now give you all the reason to take the bull by its horns and flaunt your shortiness.
1. We're in Malaysia and guys are short too!
2. We don't need to buy meters and meters of material to make our baju kurung.
3. Petite is cute!
4. We can wear awesome 5 inch heels and not tower over people.
5. We have better posture than taller people cuz we don't hafta slouch all the time.
6. Men can carry us easily.
7. We don't hafta squeeze our legs in tight economy class flights.
8. We can always ask a hot hunk to help us reach that darn cereal box s on high supermarket shelves.
9. We can save up on our lotion!
10. We're beautiful no matter what!
Don't give all those tall lanky girls the reason to think they've got it all. Be confident, stand tall, and own the world because hunnie, life is short! And so are we! So embrace it and enjoy life!
Posted by Ratu Syura at 8:49 PM 0 comments
I'm Back!
Oh dearrrr... look at my poor old blog!! I've been so caught up with two of my other blogs that I've totally abandoned this one. It almost feels like I've been cheating on this blog. I think it's high time I change the layout of this blog as well. Maybe if I spruce it up a bit, I might not ditch this blog too often. Or maybe I just owe it to this blog for neglecting it. So what better way to make it up than to give a new layout! Just like ordinary girls. You can always make it up to us with new clothes! hehe.. Okay, maybe I'm just speaking for myself.
So what have I been up to since the last I updated? Well.. I did a lot of online shopping of course! I love the Bitten handbag that I bought months ago. I put everything in there and the material is so nice. Other than that, I bought my wayfarers from eBay as well. I bought a couple of maxies online and you know how big they are this season. Every gal must get a maxi before they become so 2008! These are mine..I love em both and I'm planning to get more! I also bought shoes! I'm totally loving these shoes! I was actually on the prowl for gladiator sandals but fell in love with this instead!
Hmmm.. what else.. I bought another really cute shirt dress. Shirt dresses are also very classy and is a total must! Especially if you're going vintage! I think that's about it. I haven't been online shopping since August so that's pretty miraculous, even for me. I've been avoiding eBay cuz I don't wanna spend more dollars! I'll just use my ringgit and shop here instead.
I dunno when that'll be cuz I'm tryna save for a vacation.
So yeah, that's about it for this episode. Till next time.. love love!!
Posted by Ratu Syura at 1:02 AM 4 comments