2 dresses and counting...
Hey girls.. Have you all taken out your spring dresses like I asked you to?? Well, I have!! I actually bought new ones from ebay!! LOL! I know, I just couldn't resist! I bought two and I'm still on the lookout for more.. a yellow one to be precise!!
Here's the two dresses that I got for this season..Not bad for dresses that I just got on Ebay, huh? So get your dresses on girls!!
Nice dress lah Syur..but wondering if ebay ada size for org yang ehemmmmm..faham2 jak lah..heheh..ini yang mau check ni di ebay.
Nice dress!
I have to lose weight before I can buy new dresses
I like the blue one a lot! Very the slimming cutting loh ho.
I like both.You are great in hunting.:)Is the price reasonable huh?
hi, is that you? :)
i can't guess
I like these two pics! :X
Love the dresses! not expensv ka?
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