When was the last time you told yourself you were beautiful? When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back for getting through another rough day as a woman? When was the last time you gave yourself a treat for all the hard work you've done for staying alive and kicking?
Well, if it's been a while, then today should be the day you learn to love yourself! I know some of you have already lost self love when your parents told you your grades weren't good enough, or your boyfriend cheated on you and said you were too fat, or the fact that you harassed by the office perv! Well from now on, start pumping yourself with all the positive energy that you once had! Cuz baby, you know that you can't give love until you have love to give!
Forgot how to?? Well here are some great steps to live by from now on!
Stop Self Criticism! Stop letting that lil mind creature in your head tell you that you're not worth it! You know for a fact that you're as good as anybody else. Don't you have anyone say otherwise! Not even yourself! So whenever you hear your thought running negative, counter it by saying something positive about yourself!
Treat Yourself! Buy those pair of shoes you were eyeing last week. Treat yourself with a scoop of that Jamoca Almond Fudge after your crazy diet! You know you deserve it!!
Give Yourself Credit! Acknowledge yourself for all the right things you've done. It doesn't really matter what it is you've done. You don't need to win a Noble Prize in order to feel self worth! Instead, give yourself a hug for driving your sis to school, or for finishing that assignment that took forever, or for picking great shoes to match your bag! ;) Always remind yourself how fantastic you are and that you're doing a great job at it!
Take Care Of Your Body! Make sure you treat your body with loadsa TLC! It's not only the mind that needs loving but your physical body too! Some girls tend to forget they need to exercise, not just to lose weight but to keep fit! The only person that you can totally rely on to love you forever is yourself! Eat lots of vitamins and other supplements! Keep your body healthy and live to 100!!
Accept Compliments! I know most of you girls out there find it so hard to accept compliments! Stop this sort of behaviour as it will only strengthen negativity you already feel about yourself. Next time, learn how to say "Thank You!" or if you're confident, say "I Know!" and end it with a smile! Wouldn't want people to think you're a snob and a half~!! Besides, without saying "Thank You!" or any form of positive reply, some people might feel offended that you didn't acknowledge their generosity! So the next time someone tells you your dress is awesome, stop saying, "Hmmm..he he.." or "Ehhh, No laaah.." "Oh, this dress is old!" or even worse, quickly look the other way and pretend you didn't hear anything in the hopes that someone would change the subject!!
Make A Love Note...! To yourself! Make a list of things you love about yourself! Maybe it's the great smile you have. The witty charm. Your creativity. Anything! Remind yourself what you love about YOU and you might just fall in love with yourself again! ;)